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5 Symptoms That Are Early Cancer Warning Signs

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We’re sharing with you 5 symptoms that can indicate you might have cancer. If you notice any of these symptoms, that’s doesn’t mean you have cancer for sure, but it would be nice to get a check up.

Here are the 5 symptoms you shouldn’t ignore:

1. Fatigue
We’re not talking about the fatigue you’re feeling after a along day of work. This type of fatigue doesn’t get better no matter how much rest you get. Cancer uses the body’s nutrients and they no longer replenish our body. This can make you feel extremely tired. If this fatigue is so severe that it’s affecting your quality of life, contact your naturopath.

2. Unexpected weight loss
If you notice constantly losing weight, without having the attention to lose weight, contact your naturopath. In rare cases, extreme and unexpected weight loss can be an indication of cancer.

3. Pain
Cancer can cause pain when there’s a mass or a tumor pushing on other areas of your body and metastasis. If you’re experiencing pain that doesn’t seem to go away, contact your naturopath.

4. Fever
Fever is a symptom of flu and a cold. Often there’s nothing to worry about, but fever can sometimes be an indication of something else. Pay attention if the fever happens mostly at night, if you experience night sweats and if you don’t have any other signs of infection.

5. Skin changes
Our skin is the window into out health, so you should be more attentive and check if there are any changes happening. Changes in moles can also be dangerous. Contact your naturopath if you notice a mole that has jagged edges, if a mole has changed color and growing.

 Written by Eva Arya

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