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6 Reasons Dandelions Shouldn't be Called a Weed

Don’t pull that dandelion! And stop using Roundup and other synthetic herbicides!

1. After winter, dandelion flowers are, in many cases, the first source of food for bees and other pollinators, providing pollen and nectar.

2. Dandelion leaves are edible and are loaded with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. They are also a good source of Vitamin E, potassium and folate.

3. Dandelion flowers are edible and high in antioxidant polyphenols.

4. Dandelion roots are – you guessed it – edible! Dandelion root makes for a delicious tea as well.

5. Dandelions are known to help with inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, improve liver health, and have anti-cancer effects.

6. Dandelions can be made into a natural rubber which could replace all of the synthetic rubber that is commonly used.


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