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Dr. Zelenko's Protocol

The graphene oxide nanoparticles and the gain-of-function spike protein are very dangerous for the human organism, and the consequences can be deadly, as we are seeing every single day. it’s due to C+++D, and also, due to the C+++D jabs. But mostly, as the latest data shows, people are dying due to the huge list of adverse reaction to the vaccine, which it seems like an endless list. And people want to know ~ is it possible to detoxify your organism and get rid of these spike proteins and nanoparticles?

This article contains all the known safe and effective detox protocols that both the va++ed and the unva++ed can use to help your body remove these deadly poisons.


Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician. He was the first in America (March 2020) to innovate a successful treatment for covid-19. A Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Zelenko was censored and de-platformed across big tech for sharing his life-saving formula and for affirming that Covid-19 is a “bioweapon for mass Genocide”.

His Zelenko Protocol is a five-day course of the following medications:

–200 mg Hydroxychloroquine twice daily

–250 mg Azithromycin twice daily

–230 mg Zinc Sulfate once daily


  • Do you sell the protocol detox for the va——ne, jab?
    I currently take the Z-stack but being forced to take the jab.
    Thank you

  • Hello there- the protocol says 230 mg of zinc sulfate. I talked to the people at the nutrition store and they said zinc doesn’t come in that high of mg. and that would make a person sick if they took that much . Can you please clarify the amount of zinc – that would be helpful to me . Thanks – michelle

    Michelle Kursar
  • How can I get this to my son who is a Marine and who was coerced to take the bioweapon to help him detox. Do you recommend the prescription HCQ or the natural homemade kind? And does Azythromycine need a prescription?

    Terri lister
  • How can this protocol be obtained?

    Suzann Kopanke
  • I would like to do this for my family since my husband took the j-b. My grandson 18 lives with us too. My Dr does not consider ‘shedding’ a thing, but did offer ozone treatment for immune boost. Oral zinc is hard to keep down. Is Dr Z pak a one time application? Can I get Ivermectin from Dr Z ? Do they work together? I ordered the anise drops. Thank you.

    Teddy Richert

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