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Bought it (4-oz bottle) as a prophylaxis for the "so-called" CoXid (which I call influenza, like all corunavirii). Sampled it and found it to be a STRONG Star Anise. Stronger than I am used to, since I regularly buy and use anise and horehound drops. Then, three days after it arrived, I found myself contracting a bug of some sort. Thought it might be Cedar Fever, although it seemed to be very early in the season for it. Also considered it might be influenza which I haven't had since my last flu shot over 25 years ago. But recalled that I have been around MANY vaxxed individuals over a period of several weeks and months and was unsure of who, or which vax, or how many boosters each or any may have had. So, started my usual routine when feeling ill: Epsom Salts USP laxative (1-tsp/8-oz water nightly), Tylenol Severe Cold & Flu and Star Anise 3 times daily. Usually takes a week to 10 days to completely shake the flu or whatever it was, but by adding the anise was over it in 3 days! Expensive, but save your pocket change and BUY IT when you can! IT WORKS!
Fastest Reduction of Flu Like Symptoms Ever
Period issues from shedding— be gone!
I had heard things about shedding and wasn’t convinced until it happened to me. I’m 37 and have had regular periods for my entire adult life but that changed abruptly when my partner at work got their 2-shot vaccination. Note, neither my husband or myself have gotten the vaccine. My partner and I work side by side seven days a week in a control room. When he got his two-shot vaccine in March, my periods became wonky to say the least. I skipped March entirely. I was so ill from the heaviness when I finally got it late in April.. super late in May that I almost skipped the month, barely spotted in June and skipped July. I started one dropper full three times daily of the pine needle elixir and continued this until got my period the following month. I then reduced my intake of the elixir to twice daily and have maintained regular periods since. This stuff works! Thank you for such an incredible product!
What is happening is sickening. People just don't listen. Her Mother told her and fought with her not to get it. Literally within 30 seconds of getting the shot she started to vomit and shake. My friend is heartbroken. Please pray for her daughter Josephine.
I gave them my bottle of the Star Anise for now but I definitely need the protection as well. When I gave it to her it seemed to help and she slept thru the night. Next morning she had coffee and was on the floor in agony. Back to the Emergency room. Suddenly she had kidney stones, which I'm sure the shot was responsible for. GOD help us!
I'm terrified my daughter will vax my 7 year old granddaughter. How can you I decontaminate her and preserve her future fertility?
I couldn't be more pleased!!! Cirsten you are fabulous!!! My oldest son is 31 and has been dating a wonderful woman who is a nurse. Of all the frogettes he's kissed, she's THE one!! However, she is not an ANTI-C+++D person like me and my son who are strong patriots. She HAD to take the v++x to keep her job and he has been "shed on" for 9 months now. He was scratching and digging at his legs and arms until he had them bleeding. His skin was just peeling off and flaking on his private parts and even changing skin colors. We were at a loss.....until Star Anise elixir!!! Three weeks and he is no longer scratching. All the skin sores have healed beautifully and he can sleep at night without itching incessantly. Private parts are still flaky skin and slightly discolored but much better also. Hopefully, he'll see a change there with longer use. He's trying to get his girlfriend to use the product also. She's just very stubborn and it will take awhile to prove to her about the C+++d.
I am a part-time school teacher and am therefore exposed to the V++++D all the time. The other teachers are all va++ed and I just recently took the stand to not wear a mask and was the ONLY teacher in the entire high school to stand up. Now the kids are following suit and I think we're about half and half masked. I take HCQ per my rheumatologist for antiphospholipid antibody syndrome for the past 5 years. I got the coxid at the beginning of Feb 2020 before we even knew there was a coxid but it was the worst flu I've ever had. After 4 weeks of kicking it, I've been fine since. However, I started on the White Pine Needle elixir three weeks ago and have been hoping it helps me clear up any of the spike proteins I've contacted this past year. Just had a complete blood panel done for a yearly check up at the doctor and ALL numbers, including cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose are within normal ranges WITHOUT MEDICATION and I'm 67 years old next month. Cirsten, I'm also SDA so maybe that helps!! Thank you so much for these wonderful products and we will tell many others about them. I plan to use forever!!!!
Thank you for the fast service. I received White Pine Needle elixir just before leaving on an 8 day bus trip with seniors. I was surrounded by several people with colds.
When I started to get symptoms, I increased to 3 drops. I assume most on the trip were va++ed which I am not therefore feel I was protected from any transmission. Will definitely purchase again!
I've noticed a difference!
Since June 2021, I've became ill on 3 separate occasions after being around fully va++cinated family and friends. The first and third incidences I came down with severe cold symptoms, coughing, fatigue, low grade fever, congestion and body aches. The second incident I came down with a severe case of the shingles on my right upper chest area that lasted for 3 weeks. I saw TryBlue advertised on CW's channel on Rumble and decided I needed to give it a try. Since I've been using it, I've been around vaccinated people and so far have not come down with any illnesses. I do believe it is working against the shedding of spike proteins from vaccinated individuals. I work with an individual that is getting ready to receive her 1st booster. I'm using the TryBlue 3X daily because I feel that I will be exposed to even more spike proteins from her. I'm so happy that there is something to combat this shedding problem. Thank you.
My first order was for a bottle of the star anise elixir. I guess it was a go big or go home decision. I also take Nano Soma and quercetin. Well, adding the star anise definitely cleared out some parasites - saw it with my own eyes. :). I had 61 years of a not so great diet to clear. It also helped greatly when I was house sitting for people where everyone had a jab. I took it 2x a day and the headaches and stuffiness eased very much. Now that I ‘hit it hard’ the first time, I am taking the white pine needle elixir. I few that is plenty enough for me. It really helps when I am around people and households who have had certain shots. I get headaches immediately from the shed. So I extra dose (2x - 3x a day) and and feel much better. Very pleased and will continue to include this in my health routine.
My I received my first 4oz bottle a couple of months ago and been taking everyday sometimes 2 times per day. I took the jab before I knew Better and was sick since but after taking a bottle I ordered another bottle today because I feel so much better.