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Colloidal Silver - How is it Used?

Colloidal Silver

Regular colloidal silver users most often ingest colloidal silver orally. But it can also be sprayed externally onto cuts, scrapes or burns. As a daily mineral supplement, millions of Americans take anywhere from a tablespoon to an ounce a day of a standard 10 ppm concentration of colloidal silver.

Others use it only when they are sick or feeling particularly run down. People have been known to take as many as one to five ounces a day (or sometimes even more) of a standard 10 ppm concentration, for very short periods of time such as a week or two. Users claim that doing so will generally clear up a mild to moderate infection in only a few days, while more serious infections may take longer.

Many people put several drops of colloidal silver directly into their eyes to help eradicate eye infections such as Pink Eye or sties. And many more use it in a spray bottle to help eliminate sore throats. Some simply swish it around in their mouth to help prevent or eliminate teeth and gum infections. Others have been known to put a drop or two into their ears to help eliminate ear infections virtually overnight.

Borrowed from The Silvers Edge

1 comment

  • Would this be kid safe?

    Jessica Young

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