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Immune System Boost Made Simple

How Does the Immune System Work?

Our immune system plays a vital role in protecting our bodies from harmful things that enter our body externally or harmful changes that happen internally. Its main tasks are to:

  • fight disease-causing pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, & parasites and to remove them from the body,
  • fight disease-causing cellular changes in the body, such as those that might otherwise manifest as cancer, and
  • identify and neutralize harmful chemicals and other substances from our environment

The immune system is comprised of a unique network of organs, white blood cells, and proteins that protect the body from foreign invaders. 

Why Is the Immune System so Important?

The immune system protects our bodies from harmful substances, microbes, and cell changes that could make you ill.

If we didn’t have an immune system, we would be incredibly sick and likely die at a very young age.

Keeping this in mind, you can see why it is so important to keep your immune system in check.

A robust and properly functioning immune system lowers your risk of disease and will also reduce your risk of contracting the common cold and flu.

While it can be easy to take the immune system for granted, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it completely. If you have a healthy immune system, look after it and it will look after you.

What Are Signs of a Weak Immune System?

Your immune system can become weakened by eating a diet low in nutrients, not getting enough sleep and being inundated with stress.

These things wear you down and make it difficult for the immune system to protect against harmful pathogens.

Other factors like underlying illnesses might be to blame, too. Autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency (like HIV or cancer), or chronic disease (like diabetes, heart disease or kidney disease) all weaken the immune system.

If you suffer from any of the following, your immune system might need a little TLC:

  • You’re always tired
  • You always have a cold
  • Your wounds are slow to heal
  • You have ongoing digestive issues
  • You experience repeated infections like pneumonia, bronchitis, or meningitis
  • You deal with a blood disorder, such as anemia
  • Your eyes are chronically dry
  • You have chronic skin conditions that don’t clear (for instance, a rash)
  • Your joints ache every day
  • You are sensitive to the sun
  • You deal with allergies that last all year long

If you have any of these signs, it could indicate that you have a weakened immune system.  

The good news is, is that there are a plethora of natural ways to boost your immune system. In addition to utilizing different herbs and supplements, you can take part in some of my favorite immune-boosting practices to take your health to the next level.

The best way to protect your body from pathogens and other harmful substances, your immune system needs to be in tip-top shape. The best way to ensure this happens is by investing in some herbs and supplements (which should always be on hand) and taking part in some key daily practices.

TryBlue Elixirs can help to keep your natural armor in great shape:

1. Wild Chaga Mushroom Elixir

Chaga is a dark, woody fungus that inhabits dead tree trunks or decaying trees as parasites. This mushroom extracts its nutrients from the trees instead of the soil. This is why chaga is highly concentrated with betulinic acid, a compound that comes from birch trees themselves.

It can take decades for these mushrooms to grow, and because of that, their healing power is out of this world.

One of the most well-known chaga mushroom health benefits is its ability to selectively inhibit and destroy cancer cells. It has one of the highest antioxidant ratings, surpassing that of turmeric root, pomegranates, and wild blueberries.

When consumed, chaga promotes the formation of beneficial cytokines, which are essential for fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses

The anti-viral activity of chaga has been studied on the herpes virus, as well as HIV.

A study from Russia published in 2014 showed that chaga mushroom extract protected a cell culture from the cytotoxic effects of a herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) infection.

Chaga’s antiviral effects are likely due to the strong presence of betulinic acid, which possesses both anti-inflammatory and antiretroviral properties. 

2. Licorice Root Elixir

Licorice Root Elixir

When it comes to anti-virals, licorice root is a top contender. It contains more than 20 triterpenoids, and nearly 300 flavonoids, making it an incredible plant to help boost the immune system. 

Among these triterpenes, glycyrrhizin (GL) and glycyrrhizic acid (GA) have been reported to have the strongest antiviral effects. They weaken viruses by inhibiting gene expression and replication, reducing adhesion force and stress, and reducing HMGB1 (a type of protein) binding to DNA .

For example, recent studies suggest that GL may inhibit the hepatitis C virus (HCV) by targeting the release step in which hepatitis C viral particles infect cells. 

That’s not all. The triterpenoids in licorice root also possess anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and anti-allergic effects. As previously discussed, by reducing chronic inflammation in the body, you give your immune system a much-needed break so it can focus on protecting the body from invading pathogens.

 Borrowed from LIVELOVEFRUIT

1 comment

  • My husband has severe cracked hands and they itch like crazy. Should he take it or rub it on his hands?

    Mary Hanas

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