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Mullein Leaf & Bloom for your Dogs & Cats

Mullein Leaf & Bloom Elixir

Common Uses in Dogs

Mullein can be used topically and internally for a number of health issues:

Treating Coughing in Dogs

The leaves of this herb are effective in easing coughs while reducing inflammation and increasing mucus protection in the bronchi.

Combined with its antimicrobial and antiviral properties, mullein proves to be excellent in treating kennel cough and various other forms of respiratory distress in dogs and other animals.

A tincture can be given directly into the mouth (1-2 ml. per 20 lbs of animal's weight, twice daily).

Treating Minor Wounds

Topically, the astringent and antimicrobial properties of the leaves are ideal for use treating minor wounds and insect bites.

It speeds healing and is soothing to inflamed areas. Just mash up a few fresh or dried leaves with some water and apply the poultice to the affected area.

Treating Dog Ear Infections

The flowers, in the form of an oil infusion, also have antimicrobial properties and are effective in treating ear infections, including those caused by ear mites.

Combined with garlic oil, which is also anti-bacterial and anti-viral, mullein garlic oil is a powerful healing oil for ear infections.

Treating Fleas and Mange

The flower oil infusion can also be used to fight againsta fleas and mange.

Borrowed from NaturalDogHealthRemedies

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