Testimonials - Eczema

I use try clean as I have eczema and skin cancer… I have seen a noticeable decrease with eczema on my hands as well as my forearms have smoother, brighter appearances with less flaky patches seen.
Burdock Root Elixir - Eczema
Main reason why I choose Burdock Elixir… I only have a small amount on hands yet am already seeing a difference.
Licorice Root Elixir - A Nice Surprise
I wasn't sure if I wanted to try the Licorice Root Elixir because I've never liked to eat licorice, but I was pleasantly surprised with the taste. And eczema has stayed away!
Spikes Away- Believer in the products
Can’t be too careful these day especially since working in healthcare. I use the products for different reason (eczema, skin cancer, as well as spike protection)… I use these products faithfully… I have noticed a clearer complexion on my hands and suffer from eczema.
Wild Stinging Nettle Elixir - Will continue to use
I got the stinging needle elixir as I have a small amt of eczema on my hands. Since I’ve started taking the elixir on a regular bases, I haven’t noticed a breakout since and my hand has been clear, no breakout… will definitely keep using this product as no lotion or cream has resolved the issue before.
Dandelion Greens Elixir - I am extremely happy trying the dandelion elixir, I have eczema and recently it has gotten worse. I started using the dandelion elixir and I noticed a huge improvement without carrying a bottle of lotion in my pocket for ever time I washed my hands. Thank you Try Blue!
Colloidal Silver - A True Healing Product
When Spring comes, I always experience sinus infection. I don't take any western medicine just herbs and essential oil but it doesn't fully help me with my sinus problem. I start taking the colloidal silver the other day. I take it after each meal (3x/day). After a day of taking colloidal silver, my sinus infection went away and I feel great. My husband starts taking it today and he has a really bad cough esp upon waking up in the morning and constant heartburn. He has been taking anti-acid medicine. After taking colloidal, he found a relief right away. He consumed bottles and bottles of anti-acid and it looks like his more than 20 years of heartburn problem with prescription drugs from several doctors but no relief, He finally found a relief from Colloidal Silver. Next in line is my son who has a severe food allergy and eczema. He will try the colloidal silver after dinner tonight. I will be purchasing a bottle or 2 of Colloidal Silver. OH WHAT A RELIEF IT IS - THANK YOU TRY BLUE.
I have had serious excema on both arms for over 4 years. I have gone to a dermatologist and nothing worked.
In an effort to remove it, I've tried many remedies, but the Burdock root and the try-blue collodial silver has made such major improvements! Gone on one arm and 3/4 gone on other.
NOTE: Words are from verified Customers.